Thursday, October 15, 2009

Round 2...

Somehow this feels familiar, as if from an old dream...

It's the last night before I head out for Peace Corps, and hopefully this time I'll actually be able to make it to the country. I still feel emotionally drained from all the intense emotions and goodbyes of two weeks ago. There are many of you I meant to call, but didn't yet, or called and missed. My bad. It took me most of those two weeks to realize I'm actually heading out again (inshallah). Once again, thanks for everything.

Ukraine was way up there as one of my original top choices when I first applied to the Peace Corps, so this new chance to serve there has been pretty amazing. Unfortunately, in my somewhat dazed fugue in the aftermath of my abortive Turkmenistan trip, I've become rather lazy, and haven't done quite the level of research I did for Turkmenistan. But it's ok. Ukraine has fairly reliable internet in most areas, from what I've heard. I mean, this country has a space program (see the new snazzy title bar up above!), so it's way ahead of my previous posting. And I should be able to update you more often than I originally planned (though I still see my Peace Corps service as a time of refuge from the internets).

The other reason I don't have to do as much research is because Ukraine is much, much easier to visit than Turkmenistan, so those of you who are interested can consider seeing it for yourself (and come see me!) in six months or so. This looks to be one baller accident, all in all.

As for myself, the basic rundown is this: Tomorrow I get on a plane to Frankfurt with several other T-18 Trainees headed to Ukraine, as well as a bunch headed to Azerbaijan. My plane leaves around 5 or 6, and we should land in country sometime on Friday. From there, we frantically try to catch up with the training group that left on September 25th, learning Ukrainian, and/or Russian, as well as teaching techniques. For the next 3 months I'll be in Kyev or a nearby village, and will probably be intensely busy. Come December, I'll be shipped out to my 2 year posting.

Should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. lol good. I want to come visit you then do an Eastern European backpacking trip. Hopefully this will happen. Maybe next summer or something?
